
Do Not Overlook the Money from Online Teaching Positions

Many educators are facing difficult financial times as budget cuts from the state level puts their career choices in jeopardy. While there is little or nothing that can be done to affect the budget decisions, there is every reason not to overlook the money from online teaching positions. College students today, many of whom are non-traditional college students, are literally cramped for time in their schedules due to family and employment obligations. These students are enrolling in online bachelor degree programs and online master’s degree programs at a record pace because they appreciate the efficiently of using their personal computers at home to participate in online college courses. Since every online college classroom must have a qualified individual with an earned graduate degree teaching it, the growth of online adjunct jobs is growing at an incredible rate.

Aside from a graduate degree, the primary tool for an online adjunct instructor is an inexpensive laptop computer with access to the Internet. All academic and instruction activity for distanced education takes place on the Internet, which means that an online college instructor can teach students in online degree programs from practically any location on the globe. Further, with a well developed sense of time management and an acceptable awareness of how to navigate digital interfaces, which represents the college campus on the Internet, it is possible for an individual to teach as many as ten to twelve online college courses at one time for multiple accredited online college degree programs.

While it is possible to teach college courses at traditional academic institutions at the same time as teaching online college classes, the prospect of teaching online full time is not impossible. For example, if an online college instructor teaches two online courses for three online bachelor degree programs and each online class pays two thousand dollars, then the income from those six online courses would be twelve thousand dollars. While not every online degree program pays two thousand for teaching an individual online college course, the going rate is usually within a hundred dollars of that amount. Further, many online university programs have much shorter class lengths than the traditional sixteen week Fall and Spring semesters. Some of the for-profit post-secondary academic institutions have class as shot as five weeks from beginning to end, and these classes often run back to back during the entire year. This means it is possible to have multiple income streams appearing almost twelve months of the year.

Distance education technology has already taken post-secondary education onto the Internet, and it is really a matter of educated individual realizing that teaching college students earning an online marketing degree or an online associate nursing degree is a legitimate career path offering those with a graduate degree an unprecedented amount of personal and professional freedom. If you have an earned graduate degree, or if you are willing to enroll and complete an online masters degree, it is possible to engage this growing career field emerging from the expansion of online degree programs and avoid overlooking the income from online teaching positions.

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