
Accredited Distance Learning Can Pay an Academic’s Bills

There can be no question that the majority, perhaps the vast majority, of adjunct college faculty members and secondary level academics in general are having an increasingly difficult time paying the bills because of budget cuts. It doesn’t have to be this way and it is past time for intellectuals with earned graduate degrees, a master’s degree or PhD, to start taking advantage of the growing numbers of online bachelor degree programs and online master’s degree programs as a way to generate enough income to qualify as a decent living. Granted, teaching college and university students on a personal computer accessing the Internet is a dramatic departure from what was learned about how to deliver post-secondary instruction in a physical classroom, but the economic situation has radically altered what is required for a college teacher or someone who would like to be a college teacher in order to supplement or entirely replace an income derived from the education profession. The reason that traditional adjunct instructors teaching in a physical university classroom on a physical college campus or having such a hard time keeping body and soul together is because academic administrators cannot afford to pay them a decent salary to teach individual college class.

Therefore, these adjunct college professors are forced to find additional college and university classes to teach on another physical college or university campus. The difficulty involved in such a search is twofold – is necessary to operate an expensive vehicle in order to actually drive to another campus, assuming there is another one to drive to and in rural areas this is not always available, and even if there are one or two additional college, community college or university campuses on which to teach additional classes the pay is still so low that even collectively the income from teaching in a physical college or university classroom is hardly sufficient for any practical purposes. An excellent tactical move for an enterprising intellectual with a graduate degree wanting to continue teaching at the post-secondary level of the academy or to begin teaching at that level is to learn as much as possible about how to acquire online college courses with multiple online college degree programs.

Fortunately, there is no shortage of available online adjunct jobs due simply to the fact that today’s college and university student actually wants to earn an online elementary teaching degree, and online rn to bsn degree for an online masters degree in school counseling from their computers at home at work instead of having to drive an expensive motor vehicle across town or to the remote edge of the community in order to listen for hours in a damp, poorly lit physical classroom to lecture and then to have to turn around and drive back home or to work. Fortunately, administrators of post-secondary academic institutions recognize that online college classes are much better option for student populations and are acting according by deploying as much distance education technology as possible at the fastest rate available. This means that the growth of accredited distance learning, provided the educator with a graduate degree transitions as quickly as possible out of the physical classroom and into a program that offers college and university students online college courses leading to an online college degree, can provide a legitimate way for academic to pay the bills and still have something left over for research and travel.

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